Grams to Ounces Conversion (g to oz)

1 g = 0.03527392 oz
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g: Grams, oz: Ounces

Convert Weight Units

How Many Ounces in a Gram?

1 Gram is equal to 0.03527392 Ounces.
1 g = 0.03527392 oz

Grams to Ounces Conversions

100 g = 3.527392 oz
0 g = 0 oz
50 g = 1.763696 oz
500 g = 17.63696 oz
30 g = 1.058218 oz
200 g = 7.054784 oz
10 g = 0.352739 oz
250 g = 8.81848 oz
300 g = 10.582176 oz
150 g = 5.291088 oz
28 g = 0.98767 oz
5 g = 0.17637 oz
20 g = 0.705478 oz
400 g = 14.109568 oz
40 g = 1.410957 oz
25 g = 0.881848 oz
1 g = 0.035274 oz
60 g = 2.116435 oz
15 g = 0.529109 oz
29 g = 1.022944 oz
120 g = 4.23287 oz
80 g = 2.821914 oz
125 g = 4.40924 oz
350 g = 12.345872 oz
7 g = 0.246917 oz
3 g = 0.105822 oz
600 g = 21.164352 oz
75 g = 2.645544 oz
14 g = 0.493835 oz
90 g = 3.174653 oz
85 g = 2.998283 oz
1000 g = 35.27392 oz
180 g = 6.349306 oz
70 g = 2.469174 oz
8 g = 0.282191 oz
225 g = 7.936632 oz
240 g = 8.465741 oz
170 g = 5.996566 oz
35 g = 1.234587 oz
450 g = 15.873264 oz
12 g = 0.423287 oz
45 g = 1.587326 oz
130 g = 4.58561 oz
6 g = 0.211644 oz
4 g = 0.141096 oz
24 g = 0.846574 oz
160 g = 5.643827 oz
18 g = 0.634931 oz

Grams Definition

The gram is a unit of mass. A gram is defined as one 1000 of the SI base unit the kilogram which itself is defined as being equal to the mass of a physical prototype preserved by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures.

Convert Grams

Ounces Definition

The ounce is the name of a unit of mass in a number of different systems, including various systems of mass that formed part of English units, Imperial units, and United States customary units.

Convert Ounces

About g to oz Converter

This is a very easy to use grams to ounces converter. First of all just type the grams (g) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting g to oz, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Ounces value will be converted automatically as you type.

The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of grams to ounces conversion.

You can also check the grams to ounces conversion chart below, or go back to grams to ounces converter to top.

Grams to Ounces Conversion Chart
1 g0.03527392 oz
2 g0.07054784 oz
3 g0.10582176 oz
4 g0.14109568 oz
5 g0.1763696 oz
6 g0.21164352 oz
7 g0.24691744 oz
8 g0.28219136 oz
9 g0.31746528 oz
10 g0.3527392 oz
11 g0.38801312 oz
12 g0.42328704 oz
13 g0.45856096 oz
14 g0.49383488 oz
15 g0.5291088 oz
16 g0.56438272 oz
17 g0.59965664 oz
18 g0.63493056 oz
19 g0.67020448 oz
20 g0.7054784 oz
21 g0.74075232 oz
22 g0.77602624 oz
23 g0.81130016 oz
24 g0.84657408 oz
25 g0.881848 oz
26 g0.91712192 oz
27 g0.95239584 oz
28 g0.98766976 oz
29 g1.02294368 oz
30 g1.0582176 oz
31 g1.09349152 oz
32 g1.12876544 oz
33 g1.16403936 oz
34 g1.19931328 oz
35 g1.2345872 oz
36 g1.26986112 oz
37 g1.30513504 oz
38 g1.34040896 oz
39 g1.37568288 oz
40 g1.4109568 oz
41 g1.44623072 oz
42 g1.48150464 oz
43 g1.51677856 oz
44 g1.55205248 oz
45 g1.5873264 oz
46 g1.62260032 oz
47 g1.65787424 oz
48 g1.69314816 oz
49 g1.72842208 oz
50 g1.763696 oz
50 g1.763696 oz
55 g1.9400656 oz
60 g2.1164352 oz
65 g2.2928048 oz
70 g2.4691744 oz
75 g2.645544 oz
80 g2.8219136 oz
85 g2.9982832 oz
90 g3.1746528 oz
95 g3.3510224 oz
100 g3.527392 oz
105 g3.7037616 oz
110 g3.8801312 oz
115 g4.0565008 oz
120 g4.2328704 oz
125 g4.40924 oz
130 g4.5856096 oz
135 g4.7619792 oz
140 g4.9383488 oz
145 g5.1147184 oz
150 g5.291088 oz
155 g5.4674576 oz
160 g5.6438272 oz
165 g5.8201968 oz
170 g5.9965664 oz
175 g6.172936 oz
180 g6.3493056 oz
185 g6.5256752 oz
190 g6.7020448 oz
195 g6.8784144 oz
200 g7.054784 oz
205 g7.2311536 oz
210 g7.4075232 oz
215 g7.5838928 oz
220 g7.7602624 oz
225 g7.936632 oz
230 g8.1130016 oz
235 g8.2893712 oz
240 g8.4657408 oz
245 g8.6421104 oz
250 g8.81848 oz
255 g8.9948496 oz
260 g9.1712192 oz
265 g9.3475888 oz
270 g9.5239584 oz
275 g9.700328 oz
280 g9.8766976 oz
285 g10.0530672 oz
290 g10.2294368 oz
295 g10.4058064 oz

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