Liter to Pint Conversion (L to pint)

1 L = 2.1133764188652 pint
Swap » Pint to Liter 

L: Liter, pint: Pint

Convert Volume Units

How Many Pint in a Liter?

There are 2.1133764188652 pint in a liter.
1 Liter is equal to 2.1133764188652 Pint.
1 L = 2.1133764188652 pint

Liter to Pint Conversions

2 L = 4.226753 pint
1 L = 2.113376 pint
0.5 L = 1.056688 pint
3 L = 6.340129 pint
5 L = 10.566882 pint
1.5 L = 3.170065 pint
4 L = 8.453506 pint
30 L = 63.401293 pint
50 L = 105.668821 pint
0.75 L = 1.585032 pint
1.2 L = 2.536052 pint
1.75 L = 3.698409 pint
2.5 L = 5.283441 pint
0.33 L = 0.697414 pint
8 L = 16.907011 pint
1.89 L = 3.994281 pint
20 L = 42.267528 pint
121 L = 255.718547 pint
2.8 L = 5.917454 pint
0.62 L = 1.310293 pint
49.5 L = 104.612133 pint
0.7 L = 1.479363 pint
6 L = 12.680259 pint
0.44 L = 0.929886 pint
0.275 L = 0.581179 pint
125 L = 264.172052 pint
0.8 L = 1.690701 pint
7296 L = 15419.194352 pint
24 L = 50.721034 pint
0.45 L = 0.951019 pint
28 L = 59.17454 pint
10 L = 21.133764 pint
0.25 L = 0.528344 pint
0.66 L = 1.394828 pint
200 L = 422.675284 pint
14 L = 29.58727 pint
2.4 L = 5.072103 pint
1.65 L = 3.487071 pint
2.1 L = 4.43809 pint
474 L = 1001.740423 pint
0.855 L = 1.806937 pint
0.425 L = 0.898185 pint
54 L = 114.122327 pint
1.32 L = 2.789657 pint
-0.66 L = -1.394828 pint
1475 L = 3117.230218 pint
1465 L = 3096.096454 pint
1.9 L = 4.015415 pint

Liter Definition

A liter is a non-metric unit of volume which is equal to the volume of a cube with 10 cm on each side. It is a non-SI unit, which recognizes the same volume unit as a cubic decimeter. Originated from an ancient French measurement system, a liter is now used very widely around the world for measuring volume of all kinds of liquid substances. It has go a symbol of l (or L).

Convert Liter

Pint Definition

Commonly used for measuring volume for liquid substances used widely around the world, in the countries adopted the Imperial system and the SI. There are a few types of pint, and the pint used in the US and the former colonies of this country is a liquid pint which is equal to approximately 473 mL. There is also a unit known in the US as a dry pint, which is equal to roughly 550 mL.

Convert Pint

About L to pint Converter

This is a very easy to use liter to pint converter. First of all just type the liter (L) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting L to pint, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Pint value will be converted automatically as you type.

The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of liter to pint conversion.

You can also check the liter to pint conversion chart below, or go back to liter to pint converter to top.

Liter to Pint Conversion Chart
1 L2.1133764188652 pint
2 L4.2267528377304 pint
3 L6.3401292565956 pint
4 L8.4535056754608 pint
5 L10.566882094326 pint
6 L12.680258513191 pint
7 L14.793634932056 pint
8 L16.907011350922 pint
9 L19.020387769787 pint
10 L21.133764188652 pint
11 L23.247140607517 pint
12 L25.360517026382 pint
13 L27.473893445248 pint
14 L29.587269864113 pint
15 L31.700646282978 pint
16 L33.814022701843 pint
17 L35.927399120708 pint
18 L38.040775539574 pint
19 L40.154151958439 pint
20 L42.267528377304 pint
21 L44.380904796169 pint
22 L46.494281215034 pint
23 L48.6076576339 pint
24 L50.721034052765 pint
25 L52.83441047163 pint
26 L54.947786890495 pint
27 L57.06116330936 pint
28 L59.174539728226 pint
29 L61.287916147091 pint
30 L63.401292565956 pint
31 L65.514668984821 pint
32 L67.628045403686 pint
33 L69.741421822552 pint
34 L71.854798241417 pint
35 L73.968174660282 pint
36 L76.081551079147 pint
37 L78.194927498012 pint
38 L80.308303916878 pint
39 L82.421680335743 pint
40 L84.535056754608 pint
41 L86.648433173473 pint
42 L88.761809592338 pint
43 L90.875186011204 pint
44 L92.988562430069 pint
45 L95.101938848934 pint
46 L97.215315267799 pint
47 L99.328691686664 pint
48 L101.44206810553 pint
49 L103.55544452439 pint
50 L105.66882094326 pint
50 L105.66882094326 pint
55 L116.23570303759 pint
60 L126.80258513191 pint
65 L137.36946722624 pint
70 L147.93634932056 pint
75 L158.50323141489 pint
80 L169.07011350922 pint
85 L179.63699560354 pint
90 L190.20387769787 pint
95 L200.77075979219 pint
100 L211.33764188652 pint
105 L221.90452398085 pint
110 L232.47140607517 pint
115 L243.0382881695 pint
120 L253.60517026382 pint
125 L264.17205235815 pint
130 L274.73893445248 pint
135 L285.3058165468 pint
140 L295.87269864113 pint
145 L306.43958073545 pint
150 L317.00646282978 pint
155 L327.57334492411 pint
160 L338.14022701843 pint
165 L348.70710911276 pint
170 L359.27399120708 pint
175 L369.84087330141 pint
180 L380.40775539574 pint
185 L390.97463749006 pint
190 L401.54151958439 pint
195 L412.10840167871 pint
200 L422.67528377304 pint
205 L433.24216586737 pint
210 L443.80904796169 pint
215 L454.37593005602 pint
220 L464.94281215034 pint
225 L475.50969424467 pint
230 L486.076576339 pint
235 L496.64345843332 pint
240 L507.21034052765 pint
245 L517.77722262197 pint
250 L528.3441047163 pint
255 L538.91098681063 pint
260 L549.47786890495 pint
265 L560.04475099928 pint
270 L570.6116330936 pint
275 L581.17851518793 pint
280 L591.74539728226 pint
285 L602.31227937658 pint
290 L612.87916147091 pint
295 L623.44604356523 pint

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